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Tameside College Access and Higher Education

Beaufort Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, OL6 6NX, UK

Access to HE Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Professions (Evening)

The Access to HE Diploma is a standard, nationwide qualification at Level 3, which is designed to enable learners from non-traditional educational backgrounds to go to University. The Diploma is made up of a number of units which result in a total of 60 credits, 45 at Level 3 and 15 at Level 2.

The programme provides teaching in biology, psychology and health studies. Typical units include:


Body Defences

The Human Cardiovascular system

Psychological Perspectives

Concepts of normality and mental health

Delivery of healthcare in the UK

Ethical dilemmas in health

The Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Professions Access course is designed for people interested in studying vocational courses at university such as Adult Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Midwifery or other related Health professions. It is a rounded education split between biology, psychology and health studies. The rationale of the course is to provide the fundamental knowledge and academic skills to succeed in Higher Education.

You are required to have GCSE’s at C or above in English and Maths. For some university courses such as Midwifery you will also need a Science GCSE at C or above in addition to this. Functional Skills level 2 in Numeracy may be considered instead of GCSE Maths, however this would limit your choice of university when you progress from the Access Diploma.

There are 15 graded units on the course which will be awarded at pass, merit and distinction. The universities will then ask for certain grades to be required for entrance to their course. It is highly recommended that you check with the universities regarding the grades you will require as they differ depending on which course is to be studied. Usually you will need a combination of merits with a number of distinctions to enter university, but the for the Midwifery and Child Nursing courses it is not uncommon to need all Distinctions.

On successful completion of this qualification it is expected that you will progress onto university in a vocational subject from the Health professions.

£3,384(Fee is per year)

Financial support could be available through Student Finance England.
For further information regarding finance please refer to the below links:

For Access and Pre-Access Courses:https://he.tameside.ac.uk/about/funding-your-access-course

For Higher Education Courses:https://he.tameside.ac.uk/about/funding-your-he-course

Course Code:
1 Year

Start date:
(Tue 17:00-21:00)

Application Deadline:
Please note the deadline for applying to this course is 1 week before the start date stated above.

Is the course accredited? Yes, all Higher Education and Access Courses at Tameside College are fully accredited by an awarding body. Please see the 'What can I achieve and what is next?' section for more details.